How SiteMap® Helps Create Municipal Cross Bore Strategies

How SiteMap® Helps Create Municipal Cross Bore Strategies

  Cross bores pose a serious risk to municipalities, utility providers, and the public. A cross bore occurs when a newly installed underground utility intersects an existing pipeline or utility line, and they often remaining undetected until future excavation or...
What is Plasma Tunnel-Boring Technology?

What is Plasma Tunnel-Boring Technology?

With the rise of urbanization and growing infrastructure needs, the demand for efficient underground utility installations has never been higher. While traditional tunnel-boring methods remain effective, they often encounter obstacles related to cost, speed, and...
Common Ground Alliance Lauds Success Stories in New DIRT Report

Common Ground Alliance Lauds Success Stories in New DIRT Report

The Common Ground Alliance (CGA) spotlighted multiple subsurface damage prevention pilot programs and success stories in its 2023 DIRT Report. The report acknowledged efforts in Georgia, New Mexico, Minnesota, and other regions to tackle key challenges in advancing...
New Tools & Technology Expedite 811 Locates for Contractors

New Tools & Technology Expedite 811 Locates for Contractors

When it comes to excavation, safeguarding underground utilities is critical. Before breaking ground, it’s essential to identify and mark existing infrastructure to prevent accidental utility strikes, which could lead to service disruptions, expensive repairs,...