How AEC Firms Can Responsibly Integrate AI Technology

How AEC Firms Can Responsibly Integrate AI Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the latest battleground in the ongoing technological arms race. However, as companies rush to embrace AI and weave it into their workflows, a recent Engineering News-Record article cautions that this technology remains largely...
SiteMap® Ensures Safe Trenching in California Neighborhood

SiteMap® Ensures Safe Trenching in California Neighborhood

SiteMap® helped confirm the accuracy of 811-registered utility mapping and discovered an unmarked stormwater system, ensuring the safety of a trenching project in a California neighborhood. GPRS Project Manager Darrell Fernandez was dispatched to San Pablo,...
How SiteMap® Helps Create Municipal Cross Bore Strategies

How SiteMap® Helps Create Municipal Cross Bore Strategies

  Cross bores pose a serious risk to municipalities, utility providers, and the public. A cross bore occurs when a newly installed underground utility intersects an existing pipeline or utility line, and they often remaining undetected until future excavation or...