Geographic Information Systems (GIS) are reinventing the way industrial designers are Visualizing the Built World™ by combining data, technology, software, and GPS to model and analyze spatially referenced data. These digital systems of viewing maps provide a more modernized, efficient approach to project planning and execution.
With the field of available GIS software rapidly growing, it’s important to understand the various price points and features provided. Depending on the type and quality of services, as well as the size of your project, GIS software can cost anywhere from $600 to $17,000 per year.
Considering this wide price range, it can be difficult to know when you’re paying the appropriate price for what your project needs to succeed. At SiteMap® powered by GPRS, we go above and beyond the traditional GIS services provided by our competitors to redefine collaboration. Our innovative approach to geographical data collection accurately maps and models your site from top to bottom. Be it from drone and aerial imagery above all the way to subsurface void information below, our services allow you to completely visualize every layer of your entire project, in many cases with millimeter accuracy, complete with rectified imagery, and even video.
So, what are some more traditional approaches to GIS software services? These approaches can include…
Basic Infrastructure Mapping
Typically accomplished by satellite imaging, this type of GIS software service collects basic topographical data to generate maps which mark the location of buildings, streets, and vegetation surrounding your site. While this can be invaluable data for project planning and design, satellite data is not always the most accurate or up to date. You may find that there are additional obstructions to your initial plan that were not originally anticipated.
- Our SiteMap Services avoid such issues by relying on Drone & Aerial Imagery for topographic mapping and modeling. With this method, we can ensure the data collected is the most accurate and up-to-date for your project.
tility and Subsurface Locating
Using standard tools such as electromagnetic locators (EM) or ground penetrating radar (GPR), data can be collected to locate any utilities such as water lines, gas lines, and sanitary sewer pipes. Most GIS software services mark the location of these utilities over satellite images of a given site. However, this rarely provides enough detail on how these different utility locations spatially relate to the top-level landscape and cannot provide the depths on any underground structures, lines, or voids.
- GPRS’ specialty is fully comprehensive, underground utility locating, mapping, and modeling to avoid these issues. Our advanced technologies are capable of accurately pinpointing where all subsurface utilities are located and their spatial relationship to other underground structures and the above landscape. Our methodologies ensure you have the full, accurate picture of your job site from top to bottom.
While the services previously described provide important data for planning any project, they fall far short of providing the finer details, accurate measurements, and conditions required to create an all-encompassing, detailed model of your site. The pitfalls of overlooking such crucial data can include utility line strikes, injuries, work stoppages, and unexpected additional costs as a result.
Rather than rely on rough guesswork, SiteMap® gives you instant access to fully view every square inch of your facilities above and below ground, and can comprehensively model the following layers of every site and exactly how they relate to each other spatially…
Drone & Aerial Imagery
With higher spatial resolution than typical satellite generated images, and the ability to provide fully rectified orthomosaic photogrammetry, drone imagery is a great way to view the most up-to-date topical conditions of your site. Whether you have already collected drone imagery for your site or would require this data to be collected for you though our GPRS services, this data can be visualized and uploaded easily through SiteMap®.
3D Digital Spatial Information
This additional layer of data visualization allows you to digitize every inch of your building’s features by automatically creating 3D tours, dollhouse views, and schematic floor plans. In addition, it allows you to view crucial structural information such as reinforcement, utility layouts, and much more. Within SiteMap, this information can be geolocated, tagged, layered, annotated, and mapped for instant collaboration among departments.
Concrete Slab Components & Thickness
SiteMap® also allows you to view your site’s concrete slab components and their important dimensions. By uploading accurate as-built structural drawings and/or 3D models and tours, a complete view of all structural and utility components within concrete slabs can be visualized. This layer accounts for critical features that must be mapped and recorded prior to any construction planning, coring, or saw cutting can take place
Underground Utility & Pipe Inspection Data
One of the most crucial aspects of both the planning and construction phase of any project is knowing the exact location of all underground utilities present at a given site. SiteMap allows you to not only view all current as-built positions of your site’s utilities, but also review all sewer and manhole video inspection data, and can even include a fully annotated, NASSCO certified Video Pipe Inspection Report.
Underground Storage Tank Information (UST)
SiteMap® allows for accurate and organized documentation of both the horizontal and vertical positioning of your site UST’s. In addition, documentation such as periodic testing or release detection equipment, and inspections of overfill and spill prevention equipment can also be stored and easily accessed.
Subsurface Void Information
All information regarding the location of subsurface voids can be discovered, recorded, and mapped by GPRS. This information is then stored in SiteMap® for easy reference and designated viewing. Such records are very important to collect prior to any large machinery, including large cranes and concrete trucks, being brought to your site.
The GIS software services provided by SiteMap® are the most cutting-edge available in this industry today. SiteMap make it easy to streamline facility management by providing you with the most modern, all-in-one solution to construction management and design. With our services, you can be confident that your data is the most accurate, up to date, and fully comprehensive, which is why we say SiteMap is Collaboration Redefined™.
Visit our official SiteMap® website, download our brochures, and contact us to learn more!