
How AEC Firms Can Responsibly Integrate AI Technology

How AEC Firms Can Responsibly Integrate AI Technology

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become the latest battleground in the ongoing technological arms race. However, as companies rush to embrace AI and weave it into their workflows, a recent Engineering News-Record article cautions that this technology remains largely...

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How SiteMap® Helps Create Municipal Cross Bore Strategies

How SiteMap® Helps Create Municipal Cross Bore Strategies

  Cross bores pose a serious risk to municipalities, utility providers, and the public. A cross bore occurs when a newly installed underground utility intersects an existing pipeline or utility line, and they often remaining undetected until future excavation or...

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What is Plasma Tunnel-Boring Technology?

What is Plasma Tunnel-Boring Technology?

With the rise of urbanization and growing infrastructure needs, the demand for efficient underground utility installations has never been higher. While traditional tunnel-boring methods remain effective, they often encounter obstacles related to cost, speed, and...

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SiteMap® Aids Airport with Stormwater System Inspection

SiteMap® Aids Airport with Stormwater System Inspection

GPRS’ SiteMap® infrastructure mapping platform and professional pipe inspection services helped a Michigan airport ensure the integrity of its expansive stormwater system. Project Manager Andy Jurski inspected and mapped around 60,000 linear feet of storm lines and...

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How Digital Jobsites Revolutionize Contracting

How Digital Jobsites Revolutionize Contracting

Efficient communication is as critical to the success of your construction projects as the quality of the work itself. Projects often involve multiple stakeholders—contractors, subcontractors, architects, suppliers, and clients—who may be spread across various...

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Adaptive Reuse Initiatives Ignite Detroit’s Revival

Adaptive Reuse Initiatives Ignite Detroit’s Revival

  Two New York City firms have teamed up to breathe new life into a once-forgotten neighborhood in Detroit, Michigan, through a series of ambitious adaptive reuse initiatives. The collaboration between Peterson Rich Office (PRO) and the Office of Strategy and...

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SiteMap® Supports Safe Demolition of Las Vegas Hotel

SiteMap® Supports Safe Demolition of Las Vegas Hotel

It’s not every day that a 70-year-old hotel on the Las Vegas Strip needs to be demolished. But when one did, GPRS was there to ensure the project stayed on time, on budget, and safe thanks to SiteMap® (patent pending), our facility & project management application...

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How SiteMap® Enhanced an Innovative Facility Audit

How SiteMap® Enhanced an Innovative Facility Audit

In 2023, the new facilities director at Dexter Southfield School, located in Brookline, Massachusetts, initiated a comprehensive evaluation of the school’s 36-acre campus, which dates back 58 years. The school also sought a virtual tour of the property to enhance its...

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The Evolution of the Facilities Audit Process

The Evolution of the Facilities Audit Process

Facility management is essential for preserving the value, efficiency, and safety of buildings and campuses. At the heart of this field is the facility audit—a systematic, thorough review of a building's assets, including its infrastructure, policies, and procedures....

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How SiteMap® Optimizes the Pre-Construction Phase

How SiteMap® Optimizes the Pre-Construction Phase

The pre-construction phase lays the groundwork for seamless project execution and long-term success. However, if not managed effectively, it can become a bottleneck. Fortunately, strategies exist to enhance efficiency, reduce delays, and boost productivity for...

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NYC First to Mandate EV Chargers in Parking Garages

NYC First to Mandate EV Chargers in Parking Garages

The Big Apple is going electric. New York City Council is reviewing a bill that would require parking garages and open lots with 10 or more spaces licensed by the Department of Consumer and Worker Protection (DCWP) to install Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment (EVSE)...

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Federal Funding Boosts Domestic EV Manufacturing

Federal Funding Boosts Domestic EV Manufacturing

Six states with large automotive workforces have recently been awarded federal funding to support the adaptation of manufacturing facilities for the electric vehicle (EV) supply chain. The White House and U.S. Department of Energy (DOE), through the Office of...

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Contract Approved for Palisades Tunnel Project

Contract Approved for Palisades Tunnel Project

A contractor has been chosen to build the New Jersey segment of a train tunnel linking the Garden State to New York City. On August 1, the Gateway Development Commission (GDC) Board of Commissioners announced the awarding of the $456.6-million Palisades Tunnel Project...

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The Benefits of Utility As-Built Creation

The Benefits of Utility As-Built Creation

Imagine trying to build a house without a blueprint. It’d be nearly impossible, right? As-builts aren’t quite blueprints; you might argue that accurate as-builts are better than blueprints because they capture what actually exists instead of what was intended. Those...

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Enhancing Construction Efficiency: The Job Site Plus Program and SiteMap®

The Benefits of Utility As-Built Creation 

Imagine trying to build a house without a blueprint. It’d be nearly impossible, right? As builts aren’t quite blueprints; you might argue that accurate as builts are better than blueprints because they capture what actually exists instead of what was intended. Those...

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Unlocking Efficiency: Digital Twins For Water Utilities

Unlocking Efficiency: Digital Twins For Water Utilities

Everything is about efficiency. From predicting traffic light changes to optimizing manufacturing processes, technology has continually aimed to streamline operations and improve outcomes. Since the invention of fire, humanity has been putting two and three together...

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